General Rules
Parents are requested to co-operate with the school in the observance of its rules and code of conduct.
To have an all round personality
To have strong foundation in education and
To have sense of responsibility
Parents are encouraged to set a fixed time for daily home study so that the student can:
1. Complete the given assignment/s:
2. Do self study
3. Prepare for the next day’s lessons
To develop the habit of regular study, the school generally sets assignments which are to be noted by the students in this planner.
To cultivate respect and dignity of human labour, parents should also assign work duties to students in the home to equip students to be resourceful and useful members of the community.
This planner also acts as two-way means of communication between teachers and parents. Parents are encouraged to go through it regularly, reading and signing any communication sent from the class teacher
It is crucial to be aware of your true potential without under estimating yourself. The goals you set for yourself need to be personal, realistic and achievable. There is no benefit in setting unachievable goals that will only discourage you.
A) When developing your study time table, the key word is BALANCE.A well balanced timetable should allow time for family, social, sporting and academic activities.
B) Work out how much time you have available for study – be REALISTIC. Decide at what time you can commence study each day and mark it on your timetable. Establishing a routine is very important. This can be achieved by setting aside regular hours on regular days for study. After a while, the routine will become natural. Allocate time to your other commitments, such as household chores, sports training and music lessons.
C) List all your subjects in order of priority. The most difficult subject, or the one your least like, should be tackled first and the easiest, or most liked, last.
D) Commence each study session by completing set homework and prepare for the next day.
E) When choosing subjects to study, refer to your priority list. Study the most difficult ones at the beginning of the week then you should be feeling fresh and alert.
F) Separate similar subjects on your time table. That is, rather than studying English, History then Mathematics, a better study combination would be English, Mathematics then History.
G) Remember to balance your to time between subjects. It is more effective to devote regular short periods of study to a subject than to spend a long time on a subject at rare intervals.
H) Acknowledge your concentration limitation and take the necessary rest breaks, during these breaks, do nor watch television, but be active. Walk around or do two or three gentle exercise in order to reduce fatigue.
I) Having completed your set home work, do attempt to study other subjects every day. Two or three subject per day is ample.
J) Use weekends wisely. You need leisure time. However, it is also an appropriate time to undertake assignments or projects or to do some extra study of a difficult subject.
K) When you are genuinely tired, stop work. You will soon be able to differentiate between genuine tiredness and boredom.
L) Reward yourself after having studied hard all week. Set aside relaxation time such as Friday night and Saturday Morning.
Always be active while studying while studying. Do not simple read the information. Put all your sense at work.
Underline or highlight key ideas.
Write out notes and make summaries.
Record information on cassette and listen to it regularly
Turn information into mind maps, diagrams and sketched where possible.
Discuss your work with other students.
A) Note that not all subjects can be studied in the same manner. There is little point in just reading Chemistry, Mathematics or English textbook. To fully understand and acquire knowledge from subjects of this type, practice. You need to practice by writing formulae, balancing equations, learning vocabulary and completing as many examples as possible.
B) When acquiring new knowledge, be sure to link it with existing knowledge. For example, if you are learning about France in a language class, associate this information with ideas you may have already gathered from History, Geography or Design and technology lessons.
C) Always make sure you understand what you are studying. A simple test is whether you can explain the main ideas in your own words.
D) Sometimes a lack of previous information may prevent you from understanding new information. Revise the previous topic or consult with your teacher. Do not ignore the difficultly.
E) At times it is essential for information to be reproduced EXACTLY, such as quotations, Mathematical and scientific formulae, historical data. In this case ROTE learning is proven method. This type of learning requires constant REPETITION. You can vary the repetition by writing out the information, by reading out the information, by saying it out aloud or by going over it in your mind. Remember to test yourself constantly by referring to the original text.
F) The following methods may assist you in remembering lists of items, key words and key ideas.
a) Rules and data can be easily memorized by creating rhymes and jingles. For example. Thirty days hath September.
b) Nonsensical words can be invented by taking the first letter or syllables of each word. For example, learning trigonometric relationships SOHCAHTOA
c) A sentence can be constructed using the first letter of each word in the material learned. For example, learning to read lines in music, EGBDF as Every Good Boy Deserve Fruit.
d) Mental images of the material you need to learn can be created. The more bizarre the images you from, the greater the chance of retaining information.
G) Finally, and most importantly, you MUST REVISE your work constantly. Your Memory needs reinforcing at regular intervals. The more you revise your work, the more readily you will remember it.
The School uniform is compulsory on all class days and at school functions.
Nursery to STD II
Black shorts, Sky blue, long sleeved shirt, School tie with school badge, school belt, Navy blue socks and black polished shoes.
Black long trousers, Sky blue, long sleeved shirts, School tie with school badge, school belt,
Navy blue socks, black polished shoes.
On Monday / special occasions: White pant with white shirt, White canvas shoes with white socks.
Nursery to class V: Blue checked frock with box pleats (knee length)
STD: VI to X: Salwar maroon checked tops with maroon bottom, School Badge, Black polished shoes/black socks, Long hair must be plaited and tied with black or blue ribbon.
On Monday/Special occasions :
Nursery to class V: Knee length white skirt with and white shirt with closed neck, White Canvass shoes with white socks.
White tops and white pants, White Canvass shoes with white socks.
Maroon blazer complete with embroider school badge or maroon woolen jumper.
Strict discipline is required in matters of rules and conduct. The school teachers are responsible for internal and external discipline.
ARRIVING LATE: The school gate close at 8:45 AM sharp. Late comers must be accompanied by a letter of explanation. Children are not allowed to leave the school premises during the school hour without any proper gate pass.
Prior permission from Principal is essential.
In emergency, inform the Vice Principal or Head-Mistress not later than 8:45 AM.
Absence without reason incurs a heavy fine.
Prolonged absence without information result is the student’s name being struck from the roll.
Minimum 85 % attendance is required for eligibility for the second terminal examination.
Students in transit between class room, library, practical labs, games, field or work experiences locations are expected to walk in line maintaining absolute silence.
English is the medium of this school. To develop maximum fluency in English, its use is mandatory all the time inside the school premises.
Dues payable must be cleared in first 5 days of each month by cash, cheque or DD payable to “The Duncan Academy”. A fine of ` 10/- per week, or parts of a week, is levied for delayed payment. In case of non payment of fees for “two months”, the name of the student is automatically struck off the roll.
There are 3 unit terminal exams in each academic year. There is also class tests every month. Marks are awarded for regular home work too. Promotion is on the basis of the whole year’s work. A student must pass in all five major subjects for promotion to the next class. Failure in one subject means the child must appear for the supplementary examination during April . Failure in two subjects results in detention.
If your ward’s progress is unsatisfactory, you are welcome to contact the Vice Principal, Class Teachers or Subject teachers concerned to discuss what remedial measure are to be taken. Appointment for meetings with the class teachers must be made through the office with the permission of Principal. Direct contact with the teacher is forbidden. Parents Teachers Meetings are held three times a year. Parents are requested to attend to collect the term test results. Failure of attending the parents meeting means results will not be shown.
One clear calendar months’ notice in writing or a month’s fee in lieu of notice is essential.
All dues must be cleared before a transfer certificate is issued.
No transfer certificate will be issued where a student is withdrawn without prior notice.
Provision of transport by the school is a favour and not an obligation. Transport is available subject to availability of seats in the following rules.
1.Admission in school does not automatically guarantee a seat in the school bus. Buses have limited seating. Parents requiring school transport for their child should make adequate enquiry BEFORE registering or admitting their child in the school.
2.Boys are allowed to use the school bus only up to 8th STD. This ensures that more space is available for younger students.
3.Transport fee is to be paid in four equal quarterly installments by separate cash, cheque or DD. This fee is charged for 10 months and calculated in 11 monthly installments.
4.Permission to use transport is given only one year at a time. It must be renewed each year in March. Renewal is generally allowed, except in cases of misbehavior inside the bus. Renewal forms are given to the students in the month of February and must be returned by February end along with a recent photograph of the student.
5.Students can join the bus at the start of the school year only.
6.For new transport request, forms are available at the RECEPTION AND ENQUIRY COUNTER. Two recent photograph of the student are also required.
7.Students can leave the school bus facility at any time by giving 15 days WRITTEN notice at the END OF A QUARTER. Temporary withdrawal is not allowed.
8.Students who are allowed to use the school bus facility are issued a BUS CARD which the students should carry with them every day.